German eFuel One

Germany's first commercial eFuel plant

Shaping the future of mobility

German eFuel One stands for a pioneering development in the field of renewable energies and sustainable mobility in Germany. This visionary project opens up new perspectives for environmentally friendly fuel production and marks a milestone on the way to a climate-friendly future.

Project overview

German eFuel One: First commercial eFuel plant in Germany

German eFuel One” is the first commercial eFuel plant in Germany and sets new standards for the defossilization of the transport sector. The plant uses the innovative CAC-METHAFUEL technology from CAC ENGINEERING GMBH, which was developed in collaboration with the TU Bergakademie Freiberg ( and is marketed by the technology provider under the CAC METHAFUEL brand.

In the production process, methanol is used to produce synthetic fuels, known as eFuels, which replace fossil fuels. These climate-friendly fuels offer a decisive solution for reducing new CO2 emissions in the transportation sector.

The eFuels are produced to the highest quality standards and meet the DIN EN 228 standard for petrol, which means they can be used in existing vehicles without technical modifications. The project makes an important contribution to achieving Germany’s and Europe’s climate targets.

German eFuel One
Together into the future of climate-friendly mobility!

Project profile


Long-term purchase agreements with companies from the automotive and shipping industries secure demand

Capacity of the system

Annual production of synthetic gasoline;
75 million liters 95 E10 (DIN EN 228)

Reduction of new CO2 emissions

Over 145,000 tons of new CO2 emissions are saved per year


Planned for Q4/2027


Steyerberg, Lower Saxony - Optimally connected to the supply network for electricity and gas as well as an existing rail and road network connection


Proven CAC METHAFUEL technology, which has already been successfully used in a large-scale test plant

Sustainable energy supply

Use of green electricity from wind and solar energy for climate-friendly production

Our vision

Together we are shaping the future of mobility - sustainably, innovatively and responsibly

We are committed to a world in which mobility can be implemented in a sustainable, efficient and climate-friendly way. By producing environmentally friendly and ready-to-use synthetic fuels, we are paving the way to an environmentally friendly future. With German eFuel One, we are building a bridge between today’s infrastructure and future requirements and making a decisive contribution to the global energy transition. By using advanced technologies and renewable energies, we are accelerating the transition to a sustainable society.

Innovation, responsibility and cooperation are the cornerstones of our actions. We believe that real change is only possible through joint commitment and the courage to break new ground.

Sustainable mobility

A milestone for the future of sustainable mobility

For us, sustainable mobility means more than just promoting individual technologies. It is about a holistic concept that includes production, use and recycling. With eFuels, we enable an immediate reduction in new CO₂ emissions in the transportation sector without having to adapt existing vehicles or infrastructures.

Our aim is to enable sustainable mobility for everyone.

Pioneer for climate-friendly mobility

The German eFuel One project is a unique initiative that is realizing the first commercial eFuel plant in Germany. By producing eFuels, we are actively contributing to the defossilization of the transport sector and supporting the transition to a sustainable energy future.

Technology & sustainability

Innovative use of methanol-based CAC-METHAFUEL technology for the production of eFuels

Our plant uses the proven CAC-METHAFUEL technology to convert methanol into synthetic gasoline. Production at the Steyerberg site is climate-friendly and uses green electricity. The location is ideal for a sustainable energy supply and actively contributes to the reduction of new CO emissions.

CAC-METHAFUEL - Proven technology for eFuels production

MtG technology efficiently converts methanol into eFuels. These fuels meet the DIN EN 228 standards and are fully drop-in capable, which means that they can be used in existing combustion engines without modifications.

Use of renewable energies for climate-friendly eFuels production

The entire eFuels production process is powered by green electricity, mainly from wind and solar energy. This results in climate-friendly production and saves over 145,000 tons of new CO2 emissions every year.

Contribution to the defossilization of the transport sector

German eFuel One is a central building block in the defossilization of the transport sector. With an annual production of 57,000 tons of 95E10(75 million liters of eFuels) , the plant replaces fossil fuels and significantly reduces new CO2 emissions.

Long-term fuel quality and stability

Our eFuels offer excellent storage stability and high oxidation resistance, allowing them to be stored safely over long periods of time. The low aromatics and durene content contributes to a lower environmental impact.

Integration of biogenic and eMethanol

The use of biogenic and e-methanol in production reduces raw material costs without compromising environmental friendliness. The stable methanol supply chains ensure a continuous supply of sustainable raw materials.

Sustainable location advantages in Steyerberg

The Steyerberg site is ideally suited for eFuels production. The proximity to important supply networks such as high-voltage and gas lines and the use of green electricity ensure efficient and sustainable operation of the plant. The site also offers sufficient space for future expansion.

Partner & Consortium

Strong partnerships for a future-proof project

The German eFuel One project is supported by a strategic partnership of currently 16 leading companies and organizations working together to realize the first commercial eFuel plant in Germany. These partnerships are crucial to making the project a technological, financial and logistical success. Some of our key partners and their roles:

eFuel Steyerberg GmbH

As the first equity investor, eFuel Steyerberg GmbH is supporting the project financially and organizationally. With a considerable investment, the company is driving development forward and securing long-term customers for the eFuels produced.


Oxxynova is the site operator and supplies the necessary infrastructure such as electricity, water and methanol. Thanks to its proximity to important supply networks and the use of green energy, Oxxynova guarantees climate-friendly production.


CAC ENGINEERING GMBH acts as technology provider and EPC contractor (Engineering, Procurement, Construction). It is responsible for providing the CAC METHAFUEL technology, a proven method for the production of synthetic fuels that has already been demonstrated in large-scale plants.
To the homepage

Methanol suppliers

Several partners have already signed letters of intent (LOIs) and term sheets for a long-term supply of bioMethanol and eMethanol. These suppliers are crucial for smooth and continuous production.

Offtaker & industry partner

Well-known companies have already signed their first purchase agreements to use the synthetic fuels produced in their production and vehicle fleets. These customers guarantee the sale of the eFuels produced and at the same time support the decarbonization of the transport sector.

Scientific & technological support

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg( has contributed research results to eFuel technology in the past. The commitment of these research institutions ensures the continuous development and improvement of the production technology.

Investment opportunities

Your chance to invest in the future of sustainable mobility

The German eFuel One project offers a unique opportunity to participate in the first commercial eFuel plant in Germany. Investors have the opportunity to actively contribute to the defossilization of the transport sector and benefit from a rapidly growing market.

By investing in German eFuel One, you secure long-term returns in a growing market for eFuels. Benefit from a sustainable future and support the decarbonization of the transport sector.


Christian Hanke appointed Managing Director of German eFuel One

Christian Hanke will take over the management of German eFuel One GmbH on November 1, 2024. The 47-year-old brings with him many years of international experience in the energy sector with a particular focus on the energy transition. In his new role, he will drive forward the construction of the first
eFuels production plant in Lower Saxony.

Pictures © Uwe Klössing | Ben Schulz & Partner AG

Contact form

Your direct line to sustainable energy

Do you have questions about investment opportunities or would you like to find out more about the German eFuel One project? Our team will support you with expertise and commitment. Take the opportunity to become part of a pioneering initiative and shape the mobility of tomorrow together with us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Managing Director